Sunday, December 30, 2012

11i Install maintain oracle applications - Important points

  1. The forms server mediates between the forms client, which is a Java applet
    running on the desktop, and the Oracle database server on the back end, or database tier.

  2. The default value for context_name is _

  3. Oracle Applications Framework Processing
    With Oracle Applications Framework, an HTML-based Applications module uses the
    following access path:
    1. The user clicks on the hyperlink of a function from a browser.
    2. The browser makes a URL request to the Web listener.
    3. AOL/J validates user access to the page.
    4. The page definition is loaded from the Metadata Dictionary on the database tier into the
    application tier (Metadata UI Definition).
    5. The BC4J objects that contain the applications logic and access the database are
    6. The Java Controller programmatically manipulates the page definition as necessary,
    based on dynamic UI rules.
    7. UIX (HTML UI Generator) interprets the page definition, creates the corresponding
    HTML in accordance with UI standards, and sends the page to the browser.

• The files in the plsql subdirectory (.pll files) are used by Oracle Reports.
• The files in the resource subdirectory (.pll and .plx files) are used by Oracle Forms.

Schemas Used During Signon
When you sign on to Oracle Applications, you initially connect to the public schema,
APPLSYSPUB. Once your user name and password are verified, Oracle Applications connects
you to the APPS schema and allows you to choose a responsibility. You can then use the
Professional interface or the HTML interface to access data that resides in a product schema.

The key directory on the database tier is
/appsutil/scripts/. This directory contains
control scripts to start and stop the database and database listener processes and to run

Here is the main reason for maintenance mode and how it minimizes
There is a new Workflow feature called Cache Invalidation, which is built on the Business
Events System. This feature generates Java cache invalidation messages for changes to seed
data and, as a result, hampers the performance of FNDLOAD. As some patch sessions update a
significant amount of seed data and also require running FNDLOAD in the background, having

this feature enabled negatively impacts the performance of AutoPatch sessions. Maintenance
mode shuts down the Workflow Business Events System.

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