Here I document the procedure we followed and try to list the issues we encountered.
/_pages (when that directory exists)
complete path where the JDK is installed.
4. Log in as the APPLMGR user to each of the secondary nodes being merged and run:
$ cd/admin/scripts/
$ perl appltop merge
Sample output:
Log in as the APPLMGR user to each of the secondary nodes being merged and run:
cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
perl appltop merge
8/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/scripts/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19:applmgr:OF1_TCH>erge <
Running with command...
perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ isPrimary=n applsysusr=APPLSYS tempdir=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/temp
Please enter the APPS User [APPS]:APPS
Please enter the APPS password: xxxxx
Current APPL_TOP: ofapdev19
This is a subsequent node to be merged into the primary node.
Downloading the high version files manifest from the database...
Found the manifest for merging ofapdev19,ofapdev18 using ofapdev18 as the Primary node.
sqlplus -s APPS/xxxx@/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/admsnlst.sql OF1_TCH ofapdev19 ofapdev19,ofapdev18 APPLSYS /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt N
Manifest located in: /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt
Running Rapid Clone with command...
perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 mode=stage stage=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/clone component=appltop method=CUSTOM appctx=/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19.xml merge showProgress
Beginning appltop Merge - Thu Oct 25 15:38:34 2007
Log file located at /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19/log/MergeApplTop_10251538.log
Completed Merge APPL_TOP preparation for current Node...
Thu Oct 25 15:45:35 2007
Completed running perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 mode=stage stage=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/clone component=appltop method=CUSTOM appctx=/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19.xml merge showProgress ...
5. Create a copy of Node A (preferred)
Create a copy as listed below to Shared NAS mount point /app/.
Copy from CM/Admin Node:
Copy from Web/App Node:
/_pages (when this directory exists)
<806 oracle_home="oracle_home">806>
under NAS mount iAS ORACLE_HOME, remove 6iserver softlink and repoint to the NAS mount
6. Copy the required files for merging
Log in as the APPLMGR user to each source node and recursively copy:
- to -
directory/clone/appl on Node A
(or the copy of Node A). Note: COMMMON_TOP is the Share mount
7. Configure the application tier server nodes
Shut down all services on each application tier node, including Node A. The database and its listener should remain up.
NOTE: Do not source the environment before running this step
IMPORTANT: execute following command in the same window before executing the command:
export APPL_TOP=/app/of1_/tchappl
Log in to the merged APPL_TOP node as the APPLMGR user and execute the following commands:
cd /app//comn/clone/appl//java/META-INF (ref: ML note:375565.1)
$ cd/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier
Sample Output:
applmgr:>perl appsTier
Enter the APPS password [APPS]:
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:
id: cannot find name for group ID 33874
id: cannot find name for group ID 34098
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:y
Target hostname [ofapdev18]:
Target system database SID [OF1_TCH]:
Target system database server node [ofdbdev2]:
Target system database domain name []:
Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [y] ?:y
Does the target system application tier utilize multiple domain names (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system concurrent processing node [ofapdev18]:
Target system administration node [ofapdev18]:
Target system forms server node [of1tch]:ofapdev19
Target system web server node [ofapdev19]:
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n) [n] ?:n
Target system APPL_TOP mount point [/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl]:/app/of1_tch/tchappl
Target system COMMON_TOP directory [/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn]:/app/of1_tch/tchcomn
Target system 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory [/app08/app/applmgr/tchora/8.0.6]:/app/of1_tch/tchora/8.0.6
Target system iAS ORACLE_HOME directory [/app08/app/applmgr/tchora/iAS]:/app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS
Do you want to preserve the Display set to (y/n) [y] ?:
Location of the JDK on the target system [/opt/java/jdk-1.4]:
Enter the Database listener port [1589]:
Database port is 1589
Do you want the middle-tier services on the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ?:y
Web Listener port is 8068
Complete port information available at /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/out/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18/portpool.lst
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/PLSQL
2. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/image_log
3. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ap/data
4. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ar/data
5. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/edi/data
6. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/fa/data
7. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ga/data
8. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/gl/data
9. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/hr/data
10. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ld/data
11. /app08/app/applmgr/
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]:1
Backing up /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml to /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml1.bak
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/CloneContext_10250856.log
Issue section:
Encountered following error message while executing above command - Followed work around mentioned in metalink note 375565.1 - While Merging Appl_tops, Adcfgclone.Pl Couldn'T Merge Jri Files.
Executing merge appl top for JRI merge
merge jri files with command :
JRI log file located at, /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_logfile.txt
JRI report file located at, /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_report.txt
Could not merge jri files with command
/opt/java/jdk-1.4/bin/java -Xmx600M -classpath /app/of1_tch/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/java/ -masterArchive /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev19/java -deltaArchives /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev18/java -mode APPLY -logfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_logfile.txt -reportfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_report.txt
Please re-run
If the workaround mentioned in metalink note : " While Merging Appl_tops, Adcfgclone.Pl Couldn'T Merge Jri Files " does not fix the issue - perform following:
cp -p applmgr@ofapdev19:/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/java/META-INF/JRIMETA.DAT /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev19/java
cp -p applmgr@ofapdev18:/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/java/META-INF/JRIMETA.DAT /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev18/java
And RE-RUN the failed command:
/opt/java/jdk-1.4/bin/java -Xmx600M -classpath /app/of1_tch/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/java/ -masterArchive /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev19/java -deltaArchives /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev18/java -mode APPLY -logfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_logfile.txt -reportfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_report.txt
Verify there are no errors in log /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_logfile.txt
8. Note: The following error is addressed by apply patch apply patch 5225940 to fix issue
If patch is already applied during the migration step, the following errors will not be encountered and can be ignored or else follow the instruction below:
(Encountered following error message while executing above command - This issue need to be fixed still
Beginning APPSIAS_OF1_TCH registration to central inventory...
ORACLE_HOME PATH : /app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS
Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc
Log file located at /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_10250910.log
ERROR: Registration Failed... Please check log file.)
You can rerun this registration with the following script after apply patch 5225940 to fix issue
9. Finishing tasks
Log in to the target system application tier node as the APPLMGR user.
Run the following tasks in adadmin for all products:
generate JAR files
generate message files
relink executables - take the default
copy files to destination - use Do you wish to copy UNCONDITIONALLY when a target file exists [No]: No
Depending on which tier you chose as the primary node, certain files may be missing. Run adadmin to verify files required at runtime. If any files are listed as missing files, you must manually copy them to the merged APPL_TOP.
Remove the temporary directory/clone/appl to reduce disk space usage.
Next is Sharing an existing Applications file system (the above steps were for merging appl tops).
1. Modify all context file with the following values changed to YES:
s_atName changed to the primary/admin node
2. Verify software versions -
(b) Autoconfig patch RUP O or higher - We are not on RUP O and will be applying RUP Q patch
3. Rename the Applications context file
If the Applications system was created with Rapid Install version 11.5.8 or earlier, you must regenerate the Applications context file:
$ cd/bin
$ perl sharedappltop \
Running creates a new Applications context file named_.xml.
Sample output:
$ cd/bin
$ perl sharedappltop contextfile=/app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml
applmgr@ofapdev18:OF1_TCH> of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml <
sh: - : invalid option
/opt/java/jdk-1.4/bin/java -classpath /app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS/jdbc/lib/ -e /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml -sharedappltop -perl "/app08/app/applmgr/tchora/iAS/Apache/perl/bin/perl" -perl5lib "/app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS/Apache/perl/lib/5.00503:/app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS/Apache/perl/lib/site_perl/5.005:/app/of1_tch/tchappl/au/11.5.0/perl" -tmpl ../admin/template/adxmlctx.tmp
Upgrading the context file APPL_TOP Context file from :
Context file - /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml for providing shared APPL_TOP support already exists.
Check logfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/CloneContext_10261053.log for details.
4. Run AutoConfig to enable shared file system on the primary node
Note: Ensure jdk 1.4.2_13 is referenced under /opt/java/jdk-1.4
5. On primary node as applmgr user:
mkdir -p /u01/app/applmgr/tchconf;cd /app/of1_tch; ln -s /u01/app/applmgr/tchconf tchconf
create directory /app//conf/8.0.6/network/log
On primary node execute following command:
$ cd/admin/scripts/
$ cd/patch/115/bin
$ perl -I/perl
Sample output:
applmgr@ofapdev18:OF1_TCH> perl -I $AU_TOP/perl
Absolute path of Application's Context XML file : /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml
Type of Instance [primary/secondary] : primary
Absolute path of 8.0.6 Shared Oracle Home : /app/of1_tch/tchora/8.0.6
Absolute path of iAS Shared Oracle Home : /app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS
Absolute path of config top : /app/of1_tch/tchconf
Oracle Application apps schema password : xxxxx
6. NOTE: Copied over secondary node xml file over to share appltop location on primary node, change references of local (/app08/app/applmgr to /app/of1_tch) and then run the below script from primary node:
Edit contextfile and change the references of local to share NAS mounts
Run AutoConfig to enable shared file system on the secondary nodes
Run the following commands on the seconary nodes where you are enabling shared file system support.
After performing this step, re-load your environment settings.
$ cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
$ perl -I $AU_TOP/perl
Sample output:
applmgr@ofapdev18:OF1_TCH> perl -I $AU_TOP/perl
Absolute path of Application's Context XML file : /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19.xml
Type of Instance [primary/secondary] : secondary
Absolute path of 8.0.6 Shared Oracle Home : /app/of1_tch/tchora/8.0.6
Absolute path of iAS Shared Oracle Home : /app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS
Absolute path of config top : /app/of1_tch/tchconf
Oracle Application apps schema password : xxxxx
Creating directory /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/log/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19 ...
7. Adadmin
Note: Ensure to copy over the $SHT_TOP/lib/ilog
relink all forms, library, graphics
8. Edit contextfile, perform autoconfig and correct the following:
Context file:
s_lock_pid_dir set to /app/of1_prd/prdconf/iAS/Apache/Apache/logs under IAS_CONFIG_HOME
Workflow mailer: modify outbound and inbound server name
s_web_ssl_directory set to shared appl_top instead of /local
s_web_ssl_certfile of1prd_stanford_edu.crt
s_web_ssl_keyfile of1prd_stanford_edu.key
s_websrv_wallet_file changed to IAS_CONFIG_HOME location
s_adperlprg is pointing to the shared appl_top
s_smtphost changed to
s_fnd_secure changed to /app/of1_prd/prdappl/fnd/11.5.0/secure/OF1_PRD_ofapprd0[4-7]
s_oacore_servlet_portrange changed from 16050-16064 to 16050-16060
s_oacore_nprocs changed from 12 to 8
s_display is pointed
s_applptmp changed to /u01/app/oracle/utl/of1_prd/PLSQL
s_javamailer_imaphost set to (cm node)
s_webssl_port changed from 443 to 8051
Autoconfig location:
9.Profile option: Set WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent to one of the app server:
Update wf_resource for the SU Workflow Admin Web Apps set the proper value
update wf_resources
where name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE'
Original Setup :
Oracle Applications
Multi node apps servers not shared (no shared appl top) on solaris
Custom oc4j applications deployed using 10.1.2 Oracle Application Server.
Sunflower Inventory Module (third party product)
Current Setup:
Oracle Applications
Multi node apps servers with shared app top and migrated to linux
Custom oc4j applications and Sunflower modules redeployed on linux
Steps followed:
These were the primary documents that were followed
E-Business Suite
Migrate to Linux: ML Note:238276.1 Migrating to Linux with Oracle Applications Release 11i
Merge APPL_TOP: ML: Note:233428.1 Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle Applications 11i
Migrate to Linux: ML: Note:317085.1 OracleAS 10g (10.1.2) Installation Requirements for Linux Red Hat 4.0
Migration steps:
1. Execute the following command to generate the customer-specific file manifest
perl $AD_TOP/bin/
Also had to change following entry in file $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/out/adgenpsf.txt
Existing entry:
# Release: 11.5.10
Change to:
# Release: APPL_TOP environment file
2. Go to (use your OracleMetaLink username and password) and follow the instructions on the screen to upload the manifest file previously generated:
NOTE: There could be sometimes delay in getting email from oracle for getting customer specific patch - If there is no email after 30 mins go to the following url and download the patch:
3. (a) Copy the APPL_TOP file system
Log on to the Source System application tier node as the APPLMGR user and copy the following application tier directories from the Source System to the Target System
Attention: Copy only the directories listed, not the full COMMON_TOP.
NOTE: Copy OLD admin/cm node to NEW admin/cm node
OLD web/forms node to NEW web/forms node
(b) Copy the security file for JInitiator
If you wish to preserve the Source System digital signature on the migrated System, copy the /u01/app/applmgr/identitydb.obj file from the Source System to the Target System. This file is located in the APPLMGR user's home directory on UNIX or the root directory of the %SystemDrive% on Windows.
If you want the migrated System to have a new digital signature, remove the following file from the Target System:
rm /admin/appltop.cer
4. Clone the AutoConfig XML context file on the Target System
NOTE: Do not source the environment before running this step.
cd /bin
/usr/bin/perl5.005 migrate java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 contextfile=
full path to the Source System Applications XML context file located in /admin on the Target System.
Respond to the prompts. This will create the following Target System context file:
NOTE: Use proper contextfile for each node
Sample output:
perl5.005 migrate java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 contextfile=/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofdbdev2.xml
applmgr:>app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofdbdev2.xml <
-e /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofdbdev2.xml
-perl "perl5.005" -perl5lib
/u/richm/QXZ-Linux/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/site:." -tmpl ../admin/template/adxmlctx.tmp
applmgr:>app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofdbdev2.xml <
/opt/java/jdk-1.4/bin/java -classpath /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/java/ -e /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofdbdev2.xml -migrate -perl "perl5.005" -perl5lib "/opt/java/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/i686-linux:/opt/java/nsPerl5.005_03/lib:/opt/java/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/site/i686-linux:/opt/java/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/site:.:/u/richm/QXZ-Linux/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/i686-linux:/u/richm/QXZ-Linux/nsPerl5.005_03/lib:/u/richm/QXZ-Linux/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/site/i686-linux:/u/richm/QXZ-Linux/nsPerl5.005_03/lib/site:." -tmpl ../admin/template/adxmlctx.tmp
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:y
Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [y] ?:y
Does the target system application tier utilize multiple domain names (y/n) [n] ?:n
Target system concurrent processing node [ofdbdev2]:ofapdev18
Target system administration node [ofdbdev2]:ofapdev18
Target system forms server node [of1tch]:ofapdev19
Target system web server node [ofdbdev2]:ofapdev19
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n) [n] ?:n
Target system APPL_TOP mount point [/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl]:/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl
Target system COMMON_TOP directory [/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn]:/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn
Do you want to preserve the Display set to (y/n) [y] ?:n
Target system Display [ofapdev18:0.0]
Location of the JDK on the target system [/opt/java/jdk1.4]:/opt/java/jdk-1.4
Target system JRE_TOP [/opt/java/jdk1.4]:/opt/java/jdk-1.4
RC-00024: Warning: Could not find perl at expected location:
Please verify the integrity of the filesystem.
Perl executable location is set to:
Enter the Database listener port [1589]:1589
APPS password is required to validate database connection using database port 1589
Enter APPS Password [APPS]:XXXXXX
Database port is 1589
Do you want the middle-tier services on the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ?:y
Web Listener port is 8068
Complete port information available at /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/out/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18/portpool.lst
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/PLSQL
2. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/image_log
3. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ap/data
4. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ar/data
5. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/edi/data
6. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/fa/data
7. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ga/data
8. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/gl/data
9. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/hr/data
10. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ld/data
11. /app08/app/applmgr/
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]:1
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/CloneContext_10230429.log
5. Install the Middle Tier Technology Stack (Start X-Window before running rapidwiz))
Run the Rapid Install Wizard with the -techstack option to install the iAS technology stack. Use the Target System context file created in the previous step.
cd [Stage11i]/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
ensure rapidwiz is pointed to /var/opt/oracle for ORATAB_PATH under PLATFORM for Linux
./rapidwiz -techstack
Follow the instructions in the "Installation Tasks" section of Installing Oracle9i Application Server with Oracle Applications 11i" (document 146468.1).
Attention: Review the log files (setup_stubs..log) under the iAS ORACLE_HOME to ensure that there are no errors
Sample output:
Download stage already availble under:
- /app0x/app/applmgr/devora
- /app0x/app/applmgr/devora/8.0.6
- /app0x/app/applmgr/devora/iAS
Check(Ref: Note:277291.1): rapidwiz version (RapidWizVersion) is not,
apply the latest Rapid Install patch (4159029) to update your system.
>> Stage files are already on latest version as patch is applied.
applmgr@ofapdev18:OF1_TCH> /patches/applmgr/rapidwiz/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/RapidWizVersion
Oracle Applications Rapid Install Wizard
(c) Copyright 2000-2001 Oracle Corporation.All rights reserved.
Run the Rapid Wizard to install Oracle 9iAS
From the directory /patches/applmgr/rapidwiz/startCD\Disk1\rapidwiz, start the Rapid Wizard
./rapidwiz -techstack
Choose 9iAS Press the Next button
Choose Open an existing Applications Context File
Enter the AutoConfig context file name for Oracle Applications (for example: .xml or _.xml). Press the Next button
Enter the location for the new 8.0.6 and new 9iAS ORACLE_HOMEs.
For "New 8.0.6 ORACLE Home" enter the value for [NEW_8.0_ORACLE_HOME].
For "New iAS ORACLE Home" enter the value for [NEW_IAS_ORACLE_HOME]
Rapid Wizard will ask for "Oracle Applications Rapid Install - Tools Disk1". Enter the full path of "oraiAS/Disk1"
After the installation has been completed, check the installation log files for errors. Log files are located in $APPL_TOP/admin/_/log
6. Run AutoConfig setup phase on the Target System
Execute the INSTE8_SETUP phase of AutoConfig with the new context file.
This will create the environment files required for the AutoPatch session:
cd /bin
./ run=INSTE8_SETUP contextfile=
NOTE: This command does not require the environment to be sourced
./ run=INSTE8_SETUP contextfile=
./ run=INSTE8_SETUP contextfile=/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml
Note: Target System Contextfiles should be 1. CCM/Admin 2. Web/Apps Tier
Sample output:
./ run=INSTE8_SETUP contextfile=/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml
Enter the APPS user password:XXXX
AutoConfig is configuring the Applications environment...
AutoConfig will consider the custom templates if present.
Using APPL_TOP location : /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl
Script execution phase specified: INSTE8_SETUP
Classpath : /opt/java/jdk-1.4/jre/lib/rt.jar:/opt/java/jdk-1.4/lib/dt.jar:/opt/java/jdk-1.4/lib/tools.jar:/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/java/
AutoConfig completed successfully.
7. Enable maintenance mode for autopatch
Download and apply the customer-specific update with AutoPatch
Within 30 minutes from the time you uploaded the manifest file at step 2.b you will receive a notification email saying that your customer specific update patch is ready. Follow the instructions in the email to download it from Oracle MetaLink. The patch should be applied on all Target System application nodes. Source the APPL_TOP environment file and follow the instructions in the README to apply the patch. AutoPatch will automatically relink the executables.
Note: Executables dependent on third party products (Ilog, Roguewave, Quantum) might fail during relinking. This is expected and is addressed in "Section 3: Finishing Tasks". In that case, answer "yes" when adpatch asks whether to "Continue as if it were successful".
8. Review the technology stack patch level - These patches have to be applied to each local LINUX techstack (ORACLE_HOME)
(For information and instructions on applying the latest Developer 6i patchset, see Note 125767.1 on OracleMetaLink )
- Apply 4948577 developer 6i patch 4948577. Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Apply patch 5713544 - Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Apply patch 4261542 - Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Apply patch 5216496 - Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Apply patch 5753922 - Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Apply patch 6195758 - Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Apply patch 5938515 - Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Linux users must also apply the Linux interoperability patch 3830807 and 4586086(4586086 is being applied few steps above)
- Apply patch 3830807
- Apply developer 6i CPU Patches:
- Apply patch 5687261 - Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Apply patch 5686997 - Follow README.txt for instructions on applying patch
- Apply patch 5078711 - Follow README.htm for instructions on applying patch
- Apply iAS CPU patch 5700129 - Follow README.htm for instructions on applying patch
- Apply techstack_interop_patch_4139957 on both LINUX nodes
- Apply patch 5225940 to fix issue encountered during the shared appl_top steps
9. CLASSPATH setting on both local LINUX servers:
find s_adovar_classpath variable and replace by
find s_adovar_afclasspath variable and replace by
fix FORMS60_PATH=/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/au/11.5.0/resource:/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/au/11.5.0/resource/stub to FORMS60_PATH=/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/au/11.5.0/resource:/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/au/11.5.0/forms/US
10. Apply patch 4632932 to both local LINUX servers. Only applicable for Linux.
11. Regenerate filesystem objects:
$AD_TOP/patch/115/bin/ /
12. Run adadmin to generate messages, forms, reports, graphics and jar files (See below for node specifics)
ON ADMIN/CM Node : User adadmin utility to perform following:
1. Generate Applications Files menu
1. Generate message files
2. Generate report files
3. Generate graphics files
4. Generate product JAR files
2. Maintain Applications Files menu
1. Relink Applications program
ON WEB/FORMS Node : User adadmin utility to perform following:
1. Generate Applications Files menu
Generate Applications Files
1. Generate message files
2. Generate form files
3. Generate graphics files
4. Generate product JAR files
5. Return to Main Menu
2. Maintain Applications Files menu
1. Relink Applications program
13. Run autoconfig:
$AD_TOP/bin/ contextfile=
14. Disable maintenance mode
15. Compile invalid objects
16. Check custom environment settings in configurations
17. Workflow Configuration Setting on the new app server
18. Compile custom forms - compile FNDATTACH, Markview forms/Sunflower forms
PART (b): Shared appl top.
1. Maintain snapshot information
Choose option to update current view snapshot in adadmin
2. Merge existing APPL_TOPs
(a) Prepare the source system application tier for merging
Choose one of the source system nodes to be the primary node. This document refers to it as ""Node A"".
NOTE: We choose ADMIN/CM Node as Primary Node, WEB/FORMS Node as Secondary Node. Created Copy of Node A on /app/of1_ NAS mount for performing merge task
3. "Log in to Node A as the APPLMGR user and run:
$ cd/admin/scripts/
$ perl appsTier merge "
Sample output:
Running with command...
perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ isPrimary=y applsysusr=APPLSYS tempdir=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/temp
Please enter the APPS User [APPS]: APPS
Please enter the APPS password: xxxxxx
This is the merge Primary node:
Current APPL_TOP: ofapdev18
APPL_TOPs belonging to OF1_TCH, that can be merged with ofapdev18:
ofapdev19(FORMS, WEB)
Do you want to include ofapdev19 in the merge ? [y]:y
Generating the high version files manifest. This will take some time, please wait...
sqlplus -s APPS/xxxx @/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/admsnlst.sql OF1_TCH ofapdev18 ofapdev19,ofapdev18 APPLSYS /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt Y
Manifest located in: /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt
You can now go ahead and run the preparation on the subsequent node(s) while this process completes.
Running Rapid Clone with command...
perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 mode=stage stage=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/clone component=appsTier method=CUSTOM appctx=/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml merge showProgress
Beginning application tier Stage - Thu Oct 25 15:29:38 2007
Log file located at /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18/log/StageAppsTier_10251529.log
Completed Merge APPL_TOP preparation for current Node...
Thu Oct 25 15:34:40 2007
Completed running perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 mode=stage stage=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/clone component=appsTier method=CUSTOM appctx=/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml merge showProgress ...
PART (b): Shared appl top.
1. Maintain snapshot information
Choose option to update current view snapshot in adadmin
2. Merge existing APPL_TOPs
(a) Prepare the source system application tier for merging
Choose one of the source system nodes to be the primary node. This document refers to it as ""Node A"".
NOTE: We choose ADMIN/CM Node as Primary Node, WEB/FORMS Node as Secondary Node. Created Copy of Node A on /app/of1_
3. "Log in to Node A as the APPLMGR user and run:
$ cd
$ perl appsTier merge "
Sample output:
Running with command...
perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ isPrimary=y applsysusr=APPLSYS tempdir=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/temp
Please enter the APPS User [APPS]: APPS
Please enter the APPS password: xxxxxx
This is the merge Primary node:
Current APPL_TOP: ofapdev18
APPL_TOPs belonging to OF1_TCH, that can be merged with ofapdev18:
ofapdev19(FORMS, WEB)
Do you want to include ofapdev19 in the merge ? [y]:y
Generating the high version files manifest. This will take some time, please wait...
sqlplus -s APPS/xxxx @/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/admsnlst.sql OF1_TCH ofapdev18 ofapdev19,ofapdev18 APPLSYS /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt Y
Manifest located in: /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt
You can now go ahead and run the preparation on the subsequent node(s) while this process completes.
Running Rapid Clone with command...
perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 mode=stage stage=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/clone component=appsTier method=CUSTOM appctx=/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml merge showProgress
Beginning application tier Stage - Thu Oct 25 15:29:38 2007
Log file located at /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18/log/StageAppsTier_10251529.log
Completed Merge APPL_TOP preparation for current Node...
Thu Oct 25 15:34:40 2007
Completed running perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 mode=stage stage=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/clone component=appsTier method=CUSTOM appctx=/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml merge showProgress ...
4. Log in as the APPLMGR user to each of the secondary nodes being merged and run:
$ cd
$ perl appltop merge
Sample output:
Log in as the APPLMGR user to each of the secondary nodes being merged and run:
cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
perl appltop merge
8/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/scripts/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19:applmgr:OF1_TCH>erge <
Running with command...
perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ isPrimary=n applsysusr=APPLSYS tempdir=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/temp
Please enter the APPS User [APPS]:APPS
Please enter the APPS password: xxxxx
Current APPL_TOP: ofapdev19
This is a subsequent node to be merged into the primary node.
Downloading the high version files manifest from the database...
Found the manifest for merging ofapdev19,ofapdev18 using ofapdev18 as the Primary node.
sqlplus -s APPS/xxxx@/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/admsnlst.sql OF1_TCH ofapdev19 ofapdev19,ofapdev18 APPLSYS /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt N
Manifest located in: /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/hfilever_appl_top.txt
Running Rapid Clone with command...
perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 mode=stage stage=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/clone component=appltop method=CUSTOM appctx=/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19.xml merge showProgress
Beginning appltop Merge - Thu Oct 25 15:38:34 2007
Log file located at /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19/log/MergeApplTop_10251538.log
Completed Merge APPL_TOP preparation for current Node...
Thu Oct 25 15:45:35 2007
Completed running perl /app08/app/applmgr/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/bin/ java=/opt/java/jdk-1.4 mode=stage stage=/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/clone component=appltop method=CUSTOM appctx=/u01/app/applmgr/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19.xml merge showProgress ...
5. Create a copy of Node A (preferred)
Create a copy as listed below to Shared NAS mount point /app/
Copy from CM/Admin Node:
Copy from Web/App Node:
<806 oracle_home="oracle_home">806>
under NAS mount iAS ORACLE_HOME, remove 6iserver softlink and repoint to the NAS mount
6. Copy the required files for merging
Log in as the APPLMGR user to each source node and recursively copy:
- to -
(or the copy of Node A). Note: COMMMON_TOP is the Share mount
7. Configure the application tier server nodes
Shut down all services on each application tier node, including Node A. The database and its listener should remain up.
NOTE: Do not source the environment before running this step
IMPORTANT: execute following command in the same window before executing the command:
export APPL_TOP=/app/of1_
Log in to the merged APPL_TOP node as the APPLMGR user and execute the following commands:
cd /app/
$ cd
$ perl appsTier
Sample Output:
applmgr:>perl appsTier
Enter the APPS password [APPS]:
First Creating a new context file for the cloned system.
The program is going to ask you for information about the new system:
id: cannot find name for group ID 33874
id: cannot find name for group ID 34098
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Do you want to use a virtual hostname for the target node (y/n) [n] ?:y
Target hostname [ofapdev18]:
Target system database SID [OF1_TCH]:
Target system database server node [ofdbdev2]:
Target system database domain name []:
Does the target system have more than one application tier server node (y/n) [y] ?:y
Does the target system application tier utilize multiple domain names (y/n) [n] ?:
Target system concurrent processing node [ofapdev18]:
Target system administration node [ofapdev18]:
Target system forms server node [of1tch]:ofapdev19
Target system web server node [ofapdev19]:
Is the target system APPL_TOP divided into multiple mount points (y/n) [n] ?:n
Target system APPL_TOP mount point [/app08/app/applmgr/tchappl]:/app/of1_tch/tchappl
Target system COMMON_TOP directory [/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn]:/app/of1_tch/tchcomn
Target system 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME directory [/app08/app/applmgr/tchora/8.0.6]:/app/of1_tch/tchora/8.0.6
Target system iAS ORACLE_HOME directory [/app08/app/applmgr/tchora/iAS]:/app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS
Do you want to preserve the Display set to (y/n) [y] ?:
Location of the JDK on the target system [/opt/java/jdk-1.4]:
Enter the Database listener port [1589]:
Database port is 1589
Do you want the middle-tier services on the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ?:y
Web Listener port is 8068
Complete port information available at /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/out/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18/portpool.lst
UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.
1. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/PLSQL
2. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/image_log
3. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ap/data
4. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ar/data
5. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/edi/data
6. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/fa/data
7. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ga/data
8. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/gl/data
9. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/hr/data
10. /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/outbound/ld/data
11. /app08/app/applmgr/
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1]:1
Backing up /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml to /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml1.bak
Creating the new APPL_TOP Context file from :
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Log file located at /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/CloneContext_10250856.log
Issue section:
Encountered following error message while executing above command - Followed work around mentioned in metalink note 375565.1 - While Merging Appl_tops, Adcfgclone.Pl Couldn'T Merge Jri Files.
Executing merge appl top for JRI merge
merge jri files with command :
JRI log file located at, /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_logfile.txt
JRI report file located at, /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_report.txt
Could not merge jri files with command
/opt/java/jdk-1.4/bin/java -Xmx600M -classpath /app/of1_tch/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/java/ -masterArchive /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev19/java -deltaArchives /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev18/java -mode APPLY -logfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_logfile.txt -reportfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_report.txt
Please re-run
If the workaround mentioned in metalink note : " While Merging Appl_tops, Adcfgclone.Pl Couldn'T Merge Jri Files " does not fix the issue - perform following:
cp -p applmgr@ofapdev19:/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/java/META-INF/JRIMETA.DAT /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev19/java
cp -p applmgr@ofapdev18:/app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/java/META-INF/JRIMETA.DAT /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev18/java
And RE-RUN the failed command:
/opt/java/jdk-1.4/bin/java -Xmx600M -classpath /app/of1_tch/tchappl/ad/11.5.0/java/ -masterArchive /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev19/java -deltaArchives /app/of1_tch/tchcomn/clone/bin/../appl/ofapdev18/java -mode APPLY -logfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_logfile.txt -reportfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_report.txt
Verify there are no errors in log /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/jri_logfile.txt
8. Note: The following error is addressed by apply patch apply patch 5225940 to fix issue
If patch is already applied during the migration step, the following errors will not be encountered and can be ignored or else follow the instruction below:
(Encountered following error message while executing above command - This issue need to be fixed still
Beginning APPSIAS_OF1_TCH registration to central inventory...
ORACLE_HOME PATH : /app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS
Using Inventory location in /etc/oraInst.loc
Log file located at /etc/oraInventory/logs/OracleHomeCloner_10250910.log
ERROR: Registration Failed... Please check log file.)
You can rerun this registration with the following script after apply patch 5225940 to fix issue
9. Finishing tasks
Log in to the target system application tier node as the APPLMGR user.
Run the following tasks in adadmin for all products:
generate JAR files
generate message files
relink executables - take the default
copy files to destination - use Do you wish to copy UNCONDITIONALLY when a target file exists [No]: No
Depending on which tier you chose as the primary node, certain files may be missing. Run adadmin to verify files required at runtime. If any files are listed as missing files, you must manually copy them to the merged APPL_TOP.
Remove the temporary directory
Next is Sharing an existing Applications file system (the above steps were for merging appl tops).
1. Modify all context file with the following values changed to YES:
s_atName changed to the primary/admin node
2. Verify software versions -
(b) Autoconfig patch RUP O or higher - We are not on RUP O and will be applying RUP Q patch
3. Rename the Applications context file
If the Applications system was created with Rapid Install version 11.5.8 or earlier, you must regenerate the Applications context file:
$ cd
$ perl sharedappltop \
Running creates a new Applications context file named
Sample output:
$ cd
$ perl sharedappltop contextfile=/app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml
applmgr@ofapdev18:OF1_TCH> of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml <
sh: - : invalid option
/opt/java/jdk-1.4/bin/java -classpath /app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS/jdbc/lib/ -e /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml -sharedappltop -perl "/app08/app/applmgr/tchora/iAS/Apache/perl/bin/perl" -perl5lib "/app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS/Apache/perl/lib/5.00503:/app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS/Apache/perl/lib/site_perl/5.005:/app/of1_tch/tchappl/au/11.5.0/perl" -tmpl ../admin/template/adxmlctx.tmp
Upgrading the context file APPL_TOP Context file from :
Context file - /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml for providing shared APPL_TOP support already exists.
Check logfile /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH/out/CloneContext_10261053.log for details.
4. Run AutoConfig to enable shared file system on the primary node
Note: Ensure jdk 1.4.2_13 is referenced under /opt/java/jdk-1.4
5. On primary node as applmgr user:
mkdir -p /u01/app/applmgr/tchconf;cd /app/of1_tch; ln -s /u01/app/applmgr/tchconf tchconf
create directory /app/
On primary node execute following command:
$ cd
$ cd
$ perl -I
Sample output:
applmgr@ofapdev18:OF1_TCH> perl -I $AU_TOP/perl
Absolute path of Application's Context XML file : /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev18.xml
Type of Instance [primary/secondary] : primary
Absolute path of 8.0.6 Shared Oracle Home : /app/of1_tch/tchora/8.0.6
Absolute path of iAS Shared Oracle Home : /app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS
Absolute path of config top : /app/of1_tch/tchconf
Oracle Application apps schema password : xxxxx
6. NOTE: Copied over secondary node xml file over to share appltop location on primary node, change references of local (/app08/app/applmgr to /app/of1_tch) and then run the below script from primary node:
Edit contextfile and change the references of local to share NAS mounts
Run AutoConfig to enable shared file system on the secondary nodes
Run the following commands on the seconary nodes where you are enabling shared file system support.
After performing this step, re-load your environment settings.
$ cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin
$ perl -I $AU_TOP/perl
Sample output:
applmgr@ofapdev18:OF1_TCH> perl -I $AU_TOP/perl
Absolute path of Application's Context XML file : /app/of1_tch/tchappl/admin/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19.xml
Type of Instance [primary/secondary] : secondary
Absolute path of 8.0.6 Shared Oracle Home : /app/of1_tch/tchora/8.0.6
Absolute path of iAS Shared Oracle Home : /app/of1_tch/tchora/iAS
Absolute path of config top : /app/of1_tch/tchconf
Oracle Application apps schema password : xxxxx
Creating directory /app08/app/applmgr/tchcomn/admin/log/OF1_TCH_ofapdev19 ...
7. Adadmin
Note: Ensure to copy over the $SHT_TOP/lib/ilog
relink all forms, library, graphics
8. Edit contextfile, perform autoconfig and correct the following:
Context file:
s_lock_pid_dir set to /app/of1_prd/prdconf/iAS/Apache/Apache/logs under IAS_CONFIG_HOME
Workflow mailer: modify outbound and inbound server name
s_web_ssl_directory set to shared appl_top instead of /local
s_web_ssl_certfile of1prd_stanford_edu.crt
s_web_ssl_keyfile of1prd_stanford_edu.key
s_websrv_wallet_file changed to IAS_CONFIG_HOME location
s_adperlprg is pointing to the shared appl_top
s_smtphost changed to
s_fnd_secure changed to /app/of1_prd/prdappl/fnd/11.5.0/secure/OF1_PRD_ofapprd0[4-7]
s_oacore_servlet_portrange changed from 16050-16064 to 16050-16060
s_oacore_nprocs changed from 12 to 8
s_display is pointed to
s_applptmp changed to /u01/app/oracle/utl/of1_prd/PLSQL
s_javamailer_imaphost set to (cm node)
s_webssl_port changed from 443 to 8051
Autoconfig location:
9.Profile option: Set WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent to one of the app server:
Update wf_resource for the SU Workflow Admin Web Apps set the proper value
update wf_resources
where name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE'
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